Recently, some of the private photos were leaked online and it is believed that the photos were stored as snaps in her Snapchat account. Selena Gomez is the most followed person on Instagram. The only reason that Reddit would move to delete links to stolen images would be if the photograph is child pornography, or if the site receives a takedown request. Previously she put up a video showing her hand inside Kendall's underwear.
Reddit allows users to post stolen content because doing so is not illegal under US law. Comments under the post read, 'I've sent you a message' and 'Feel free to send me a message.' One post in the Snappening subreddit asks for other people to send photos of a specific girl because the user claims she is in his class in school. Users easily get around the ban on sharing the Snapchat files by communicating in private and using the subreddit as a public meeting place. However, there are only six moderators in the community, meaning that links to download the files are often left visible for 24 hours or more. The Snappening subreddit's moderators have attempted to control the community, banning them from posting links to 'confirmed' child pornography.